Solstice Physiotherapy

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Considering Gender-affirming Surgery? A Pelvic-floor Physical Therapist Before and After Surgery Can Help Facilitate Your Recovery

For people seeking gender-affirming surgeries of various kinds, there are benefits to working with a physical therapist before and after surgery. The therapists at Solstice Physiotherapy are experienced in this area and are well equipped to help you along your journey. Pelvic floor therapists optimize human function and that is exactly what you will need as you prepare for and recover from surgery.

Pre-operative care: The goal of pre-operative care is to prepare for surgery, get a baseline assessment of function and mobility, and prepare for post-operative care.

  • Range of motion - For both top and bottom surgeries, there will be significant scar tissue as a result of surgery. This will restrict joint and muscle function to some degree.  Surgery creates scar tissue. How much and what it will restrict are the unknowns. Our assessment will tell us how well your joints move pre-op near your surgical site - hips, shoulders, etc.

  • Muscle function - similar to the above, we assess how well your muscles contract and relax, as well as how they generally function. We work to optimize muscle function pre-operatively, which will help to improve muscle function post-operatively. If you have a shoulder, back, bowel, bladder, or sexual dysfunction prior to surgery, you are likely to continue to have this after surgery, in addition to the limitations brought on by the surgery itself. Preparing ahead of time can help optimize surgical outcome and facilitate post-operative recovery.

  • Education on what to expect and gentle exercises you can do in the early post-operative stages – working with your surgeon, if possible, we will create a plan for your early, post-operative days, following any restrictions provided by your doctor. For example, teaching you how to get in and out of bed with movement restrictions, drains/lines you are likely to be hooked up to, and to help minimize pain. Another example is teaching how to diaphragmatically breathe for gentle mobility in the surgical area.

  • Plan for the return to PT six to eight weeks after surgery, with the surgeon's written and verbal permission. We will begin to optimize function and help you begin normal activities.

Post-operative care: The goal of post-operative care is to improve pain and function, promote the healing process, and optimize surgical outcomes in order to return to daily activities.

  • Pain management - as with any surgery, there will be post operative pain. A pelvic floor therapist can provide pain management strategies such as manual therapy, gentle exercises, and education on modality strategies, e.g.  heat and cold therapy to alleviate pain and promote healing.

  • Muscle function - as in the pre-operative phase, we want to improve the quality and function of your muscle tissue to promote healing and help you to get back to daily activities.

  • Scar tissue management - scar tissue can restrict joint mobility and muscle function. Improving the mobility of the scar tissue, sometimes called “adhesions”, can help to reduce pain, improve mobility and therefore improve function.

  • Bowel, bladder or sexual dysfunctions - these may have been lingering from before surgery, possibly increased from the surgeries, or a new development related to the surgery and healing. Pelvic therapy can help to optimize function in these areas.

  • Posture - there are physical changes that go along with these surgeries. Ensuring proper posture can set you up for a lifetime of success by reducing pain and improving function.

It is important to work with a qualified pelvic floor therapist, such as the therapists at Solstice Physiotherapy, who have experience in transgender healthcare and post-operative rehabilitation. We can assess your specific needs, develop an individualized treatment plan, and provide ongoing support throughout your journey.

If you have questions and want to speak with one of our physical therapists, email us at or call (929) 269-2505 to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation.