Watch the Solstice PT therapists demonstrate exercises to improve pelvic floor muscles and address common issues from many of our patients, including videos about bowel health and pregnancy. Note that we don’t recommend you try these exercises for the first time alone, as they should be done under the supervision of a licensed Physical Therapist to ensure proper positioning.

Schedule your free 15-minute consultation so we can get you started on a personalized physical therapy exercise plan.


Practice Overview - New Patient Info


What to expect at your first visit.

Intro to biofeedback

Pelvic Floor Assessment

You can come to pelvic floor therapy on your period.


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Exercise VIDEOS

Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises

Glute strengthening

TrA activation

Pelvic wand: rectal self-mobilization

Diaphragmatic breathing

Jumping progression for urinary incontinence

Vaginal Dilator Video


Mini Yoga break: relax your pelvic floor

Shower self stretch

Pelvic wand: vaginal self-mobilization


Bowel Health Videos

Abdominal Massage for Constipation

Fiber and bowel health


Magnesium info

Bowel Routine


Pregnancy Physical Therapy Videos

Pregnancy Safe Hip Openers

Labor and Delivery Prep

Pregnancy Hip Strengthening

Pregnancy belly pubic bone relief

Hamstring Stretch on Wall

Abdominal Series for Early Pregnancy and Postpartum